Sunday, July 1, 2007

Week 5

Here's a billboard I made with a photo we took when we were on vacation earlier this summer. I could have a lot of fun making billboards and mosaics of friends and family. This shot is somewhat boring since there isn't much to see. But it was a good restaurant and it was very cute from the outside.
I really enjoyed playing with LibraryThing. I decided to search for some books that are on my "All Time Favorites" shelf. I began by searching for them without the book in front of me. One book I entered -- The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh -- did not come up with the cover design that I have. So I retrieved the book and entered the ISBN number. I still didn't get the cover design I had. The edition that came up was from 1999 while the edition I have is from 1977.
I've been looking for something to use that will catalog our home library. At this point, I've only tagged my entries with the word "Favorite" because that will help me know where the book is located in the house. (That is to say, on the "All Time Favorites" shelf.) I need to play with this some more to see if there is a way for me to easily identify the location of the book as well as use tags to help search for it.
My favorite feature of LibraryThing is when you open one of the books in your catalog and LibraryThing provides recommendations on other books you may also enjoy. It was interesting to see that I had read and enjoyed many of their recommendations. Here's my catalog:
This was another fun site. I created a roll that searches numerous recipe sites. It was also fun to explore other recipe rolls that people had created. I found some new ideas for dinner, which is always nice. Here's the link to my recipe rollyo which includes recipe sites I frequently search: Rollyo could also be useful for better targeting your results. If there are several sites you go to for information on a topic, you can roll them into a rollyo and just search those sites rather than searching the entire internet. By searching my rollyo for recipes with the topic "chicken and salsa" I ended up with only recipes. Searching "chicken and salsa" on google requires me to sift through irrelevant results. Rollyo can help you target your search and save you time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there Snowball,

Just trolling thru the BCPL blogs and I had to give you a quick tip that it took me many frustrating posts to figure out - you know how, after you put a picture into a post, all the text after it will go single-spaced, instead of the much more attractive 1 1/2 - space line height that seems to be Blogger's default?

Well after beating on Blogger for about a year, I figured out a piece of html code that will force all the text in a post to stay pleasantly spaced.

At the beginning of the post (in html view), add this text:
span style="line-height:150%"

Put it between angle brackets like all html tags. (I can't use them in this comment b/c it'll try to format what I'm writing!)

and at the very end of the post, put in:

also between angle brackets.

have fun!