Sunday, July 1, 2007

Week 4

The RSS has made my life much easier. Instead of visiting several news sites, I can now visit just one and scan the headlines. If a stort catches my eye I can click the link to read it. It's really been a timesaver in helping me keep abreast of news in various cities of interest.

I added Merlin to my RSS feeds, though I'm not sure how often there will be new stuff added. It's been slow so far, but I learned a few things, like what citebite was and how I could use it. I think this could be a useful tool for those in Maryland libraries, but only if it becomes a more active community.

In searching for feeds, I found Feedster to be helpful. I liked that you could search for topics of interest, and I liked that you could search for blogs, newsfeeds, podcasts, or all of the above. It helped me find some blogs and newsfeeds to follow my favorite college football team.

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